Friday, November 22, 2013

Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites by Chris Heimerdinger

This is one of my favorite series. It is about 13-year-old Jim Hawkins and his new friend, Garth Plimpton, as well as Jim's 11-year-old sister, Jenny. Jim and Garth discover an extremely old indian hyroglyph, which ends up leading them, and tag-a-long Jenny, to a legendary cave called the 'Rainbow Room'. While there, Jenny accidentally falls into a deep whirlpool, and Jim and Garth jump in to save her (and fail, obviously).They come close to drowning, but are hurled out of a waterfall. Upon waking, they find themselves in Book of Mormon times. They must find a way home, getting captured by the evil Lamanite king Amalakiah, meeting Captain Teancum and Captain Moroni, and abolishing a dastardly plot along the way.

The rest of the series continues to follow Jim and his friends and family's adventures. It's really a 'can't put it down' book and I hope you enjoy it!

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